The recent market pullback due to uncertainty surrounding the economy and tariffs has people wondering if this will be “the correction” that ends our bull market. To answer that question, it helps to zoom out and understand how long-term cycles affect short-term pullbacks.
Financial markets move in long-term cycles known as secular bull and bear markets. These trends span decades, and understanding where we are in the cycle is crucial for long-term investors. The current geopolitical climate has caused widespread speculation that we may be entering a secular bear market. At Stratos Private Wealth, we prefer to avoid speculation and instead take a systematic, data-driven approach to asset management. We acknowledge the heightened risks of the current market environment and are closely monitoring some key indicators to assess whether the current secular bull market is approaching its end.
A secular bull market is a prolonged period, often lasting a decade or more, in which stock prices trend higher. These markets are characterized by strong economic growth, rising corporate earnings, and investor optimism.
Conversely, a secular bear market is a multi-year period of stagnation or decline in stock prices. These periods are marked by economic challenges, lower corporate earnings, and negative investor sentiment.
The chart below shows historical equity market performance during secular bull and bear markets. Historically, equities have delivered double-digit annualized returns during secular bull markets while returns have been negative or flat during secular bear markets.
Since the 2009 market bottom, we have been in a secular bull market, with equity markets achieving significant gains. However, history tells us that secular bull markets eventually end, and we are watching several indicators for signs that this transition could be underway.
In reviewing our overall secular market framework and all the component indicators, the weight of the evidence does not currently indicate that a transition to a bear market is underway. While we acknowledge a heightened risk environment and some deterioration of economic indicators, our valuation, sentiment, and price performance indicators are overwhelmingly supportive of a continued bull market. We would need to see more unanimous evidence of a bear market from other indicators before declaring a bear market is underway.
At Stratos Private Wealth, we remain committed to managing our clients' portfolios through disciplined investment strategies and proactive risk management. While evidence suggests the current secular bull market remains intact, we are closely monitoring some key indicators to determine if conditions necessitate more defensive positioning. If we see a deterioration across indicators, we will adjust our tactical strategies accordingly. This could include reducing exposure to equities or reevaluating our fixed income positioning, as supported by our data-driven, weight of the evidence approach.
We are grateful for our clients’ confidence and will remain vigilant, adapting to changing conditions and positioning our strategies for long-term financial success. We will provide ongoing updates as we assess new data and refine our outlook.
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