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Bob Wolter

Strategic Relationship Manager

Welcome, glad you're here

I'm Bob, Strategic Relationship Manager here at Stratos Private Wealth. Reflecting on 38 years in the financial services industry, I can trace the passion back to my adolescence. In high school I began tracking stock prices in the the newspaper, keeping a paper portfolio as I didn't have anything to invest. As that portfolio and data outgrew paper, so did my interest in investments and finance. After earning my undergraduate in my home state of Iowa, I went on to pursue an MBA in Securities Finance from the University of Georgia.  After graduation I immediately went into the world of Wall Street and became a high achieving 'Stock Broker'. My fast pace career led me to a slower coastal life here in San Diego where I still am enthralled in the industry and focus on client relationship building, 35 years later and my passion is as strong as ever. 

When I'm not working I'm usually on the golf course, my love for the game led me to become President of the Rancho Santa Fe Farms golf club. When I'm not on the course, I'm likely training for an annual triathlon, being active is a constant in my life and has resulted in my competing in the Catalina Triathlon each year for the last decade. My wife and I are lucky to be able to watch our three children now raise their children and enjoy soaking in our family as often as we can.

Bob Wolter
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